Laser Vision
LASIK is a non-invasive, refractive eye surgery using the technology of the excimer laser along with a the IntraLase femtosecond laser. LASIK uses a beam of cool light to reshape the top layer of the cornea, so that images focus correctly on the retina.
Prior to LASIK surgery, numerous tests will be performed on your eyes to determine the amount of correction needed. A computer, controlled by your LASIK eye surgeon, is used to precisely calculate the exact amount of cornea that needs to be removed for each person's individual eyes.
During Your LASIK surgery a femtosecold laser called an IntraLase will be used to create a thin flap from the surface of the cornea. This laser takes the place of the microkeratome blade that is used in traditional LASIK. The flap is then lifted to expose the inner layer of cornea to be treated. This corneal flap stays attached to the rest of the cornea on one side. The VISX Star 4 excimer laser is then positioned into place, and delivers a programmed number of pulses of ultraviolet light onto the newly exposed part of the cornea. Each pulse of the laser removes a microscopic layer of cornea. After LASIK surgery is complete, the corneal flap is set back into place. This flap will naturally bond to the treated cornea, eliminating the need for sutures. Natural pressure from the eyelid and other factors will help to hold the flap in place as healing occurs, minimizing discomfort.
The center of the cornea is now flattened, allowing light rays to be focused more precisely on the retina and images will be seen more sharply. Most patients will notice dramatic improvement immediately after their LASIK surgery. However, maximum improvement will occur over the next three to four weeks. Both antibiotic drops and steroid drops will be used for a period of two weeks following LASIK surgery to ensure the cornea is properly healing. Artificial tears will also be used abundantly to help keep the cornea smooth and moist during the healing period.
Blade Free LASIK
The iLASIK procedure combines all of the latest technology into one LASIK procedure. The iLASIK procedure utilizes the VISX Wavescan™ System to create a personal vision profile; a digital 3-D custom map of your eye, the Intralase laser to create the corneal flap and the VISX STAR S4™ to reshape the cornea.
Step 1 – Creating Your Personal Vision Profile
The first step in the iLASIK procedure is to perform a series of tests to determine the individual characteristics of your vision using Advanced CustomVue® Wavescan technology. The Wavescan system creates a 3-D map of the unique imperfections of your eyes. This technology provides 25 times more precise measurement than with standard methods used for glasses and contact lenses. This map is used to drive the laser that corrects your vision.
Step 2 – Making The iLASIK Flap
The iLASIK procedure exclusively uses the Intralase Method.
A 100% blade free approach to creating your corneal flap – the thin flap of tissue that the doctor folds back in order to perform your LASIK procedure. The Intralase laser creates an extremely precise flap by producing tiny bubbles inside the cornea (clear front surface of the eye) The Intralase Method can only be performed using the FDA-approved Intralase laser.
Step 3 – Your Laser Vision Correction
Now that the corneal flap has been created, your vision can be corrected using the Advanced CustomVue treatment utilizing the VISX Star S4™ excimer laser. The VISX STAR S4™ laser system is FDA approved to treat the broadest range of vision imperfections, including mild to severe nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism.
Custom LASIK
Custom Wavefront
On procedure the day, anesthetic drops will be placed in your eyes and a flap will be created on your cornea. Your individualized treatment information is transferred from the WaveScan to the laser in order to drive the CustomVue procedure. The actual laser procedure typically takes several seconds. Most individuals feel no pain during the procedure.
Benefits of CustomVue™ wavefront-guided treatment over conventional LASIK eye surgery include:
- More predictable outcomes
- 98% 20/20 or better vision
- 70% 20/16 or better vision
- 27% 20/12.5 or better vision
- Better night vision
- Four times as many people are very happy with night vision
- Improved vision after laser eye surgery
- 70% see as well or better than with eyeglasses
- 58% gained up to a line of vision
- 8% gained more than one line of vision
- Better safety profile
- No loss of vision in FDA trials
After CustomVue, you will notice results immediately, and your vision will continue to improve over the next few days. Typically, you will be scheduled for a follow-up visit the next day, again in about a week, and again around a month after the initial procedure.
LASIK Candidacy
Schedule an evaluation to determine if you are a candidate for a LASIK procedure. After a thorough evaluation of your cornea, the doctors will be able to determine if you are a candidate. Below is a list of some items that are typically involved with the evaluation process:
- The measurement of corneal thickness, including corneal topography
- Complete review of overall eye health
- The measurement of your prescription or refractive errors
- Custom LASIK measurement for higher order aberrations.
- Dry eye test
- Complete dilation to view the back of the eye or the retina
- Glasses or contact lens history review
- Measurement of pupil size
Are you ready to schedule an appointment at Clear Choice Eye Center? We specialize in routine and medical eye care and also have a full service optical shop. Click the link below to get started!
If LASIK laser vision correction is not an option for you, there are other options that may better suit your individual eye conditions and your lifestyle.
Nearsighted individuals typically have problems seeing well at a distance and are forced to wear glasses or contact lenses. The nearsighted eye is usually longer than a normal eye, and its ctornea may also be steeper.
The ophthalmologists and optometrists at Clear Choice Eye Center are highly trained in the field of eye care and eye surgery. Click here to meet our team of doctors.
Do you need more information about the Clear Choice Eye Center? We are here to answer any questions you may have. Click here to complete a quick contact form and a member of our staff will contact you.